Welcome to your LAT Mock Quiz'24

The company's initiative was designed to 'enhance' customer satisfaction.

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly similar in the meaning to the word that is enclosed in commas.

. Angela has a 'propensity' for arriving late to meetings

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly similar in the meaning to the word that is enclosed in commas.

The manager was known for his 'concise' reports, which were always brief and to the point.

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly similar in the meaning to the word that is enclosed in commas.

Due to the critical nature of the information, it was deemed 'imperative' to secure the documents immediately.

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly similar in the meaning to the word that is enclosed in commas.

Her novel was filled with 'vivid' descriptions that made the characters leap off the page.

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly similar in the meaning to the word that is enclosed in commas.

The new policy was intended to 'simplify' the application process.

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in the meaning to the word that enclosed in commas

The chef's signature dish is quite 'exquisite'

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in the meaning to the word that enclosed in commas

His response to the issue was deemed 'adequate'.

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in the meaning to the word that enclosed in commas

She felt 'elated' after receiving the good news.

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in the meaning to the word that enclosed in commas

The job was quite 'arduous' of conditions for Lobo as a climb up to the mountain with no lubrication.

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in the meaning to the word that enclosed in commas

I cannot agree ________ you on this point.

Complete the sentences by choosing the best option given below.

The people should pay their bills _________ time.

Complete the sentences by choosing the best option given below

I usually talk to my parents __________ morning.

Complete the sentences by choosing the best option given below

People usually went ________ trips in summer.

Complete the sentences by choosing the best option given below.

He had a daughter ________ his former wife

Complete the sentences by choosing the best option given below.

She was ___ the impression that the meeting was canceled.

Complete the sentences by choosing the best option given below.

He is proficient ___ several programming languages.

Complete the sentences by choosing the best option given below.

The committee was divided ___ the best course of action.

Complete the sentences by choosing the best option given below.

She took the job ___ the promise of a promotion.

Complete the sentences by choosing the best option given below.

The success of the project depends ___ the team's cooperation.

Complete the sentences by choosing the best option given below.

In the wild, primary diet of the Pandas is _____.

The famous novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" is written by:

The chemical symbol for gold is:

_____ is known as the "Red Planet".

_____ country is the largest by land area.

_______ is the capital city of Australia.

_______ painted the Mona Lisa

The tallest mountain in the world is:

_____ known as the father of modern physics.

Penicillin was discovered by:

The currency of Japan is:

The largest mammal in the world is:

_____ has Constructed the world longest sea bridge.

Gulf war started in:

UNESCO stands for:

The SAPTA (South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement) was signed on:

Administration involves:

The national sport of Pakistan is:

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a series of ________ related projects.

_____ countries are the members SAARC organization.

___ heads of Zakat are mentioned in Quran.

Hazrat Umer (R.A) belonged to:

Bait-ul-Laham is the birth Place of _____ and it is situated in Jerusalem

Hajre-Aswad means:

Cave Hira is in the _________ mountain.

______ is known as lands of prophet.

The first migration of the Companions and relatives of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was to:

Hazrat ________ conquered the fort of Qamus.

. ______ was called month of migration

Hazrat ______ proposed Azan for the first time.

The first President of the Constitution Assembly of Pakistan was:

After ____ years did Pakistan got its first constitution.

The number of articles in 1973 constitution is:

Pakistan’s National Flag was prepared by:

The national bird of Pakistan is:

In the constitution of 1973 ______were declared none Muslims.

Pakistan conducted nuclear tests on May 28, 1998 at:

First Charter of Human Rights is:

Ahmad Shah Pitras Bukhari was a famous writer of ______ language.

The highest official rank of Air Force in Pakistan is:

"شاعر" کا مطلب کیا ہے

"تسکین" کا کیا مطلب ہے

: لفظ "گمنام" کے متضاد

"فریب" کا مترادف کیا ہے

لفظ "جلی" کا کیا مطلب ہے

"خواہش" کے مترادف

"محبت" کا متضاد کیا ہے

"تحقیق" کا مترادف کیا ہے

"رعنائی" کا کیا مطلب ہے

لفظ "نظریہ" کے مترادف کا انتخاب کریں

What is the sum of angles of 8-sided polygon?

In how many ways can 5 teachers of English be assigned to 3 sections of a academic writing course if no teacher is assigned to more than one section?

Find the determinant of |■(-4&3@10&2)|.

A mixture of 50 liters of milk and water contains 60% milk. How many liters of water must be added to make 50% of the mixture?

The simplest form of √147 should be

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